I’ve visited many imperfect utopias across the world, communities with grand visions and earnest attempts at manifesting values of peace, eco-consciousness, and equity.
I visited them because I, too, have grand visions for a sustainable society, what a society would look like with healthy people and a sustainable imprint on planet earth. I have committed myself to uncovering why we’re so destructive as consumers and violent as neighbors. And most importantly, I’ve committed myself to finding ways of achieving a sustainable society.
The Vision & Social Movement
In two generations, we can shift our social norms & consumption patterns to be in balance, harmony, and vitality with the planet. We can be more vital, happy and healthy as people. Our local communities can support our core needs so robustly, that we begin to disuse the major polluting sources on this planet: global industrial consumer production. People learn to depend on each other (and the land) again for entertainment, child care, basic goods, food and housing - so much that people are truly in power over their economics, time, and sense of wellness. The natural byproduct of this localization of security is a massive decline in societal eco-footprint and a re-humanization of people - which massively increases social equity.
How to Catalyze It
I’ve researched that most Americans feel overwhelmed by either climate, politics, or the economy. And I want to set up a resource network to underpin this social movement. People need community to thrive, so, until there is a village on every street in America, we need to create a hub where leaders & catalysts can stay strong, feel seen, celebrate their wins, and lick their wounds.
I’m calling this hub The Positive Impact Network - a place where people can put their energy into action! There’s 3 tiers of participation -
(1) Vital People - practices & community to recenter & gain perspective in an overwhelming world
(2) Healthy Teams - practices & community to heal bad relationship patterns in life & organizations (
3) Better Systems - practices & community to implement eco-equitable solutions to basic needs to disuse global-industrial consumerism
I’d like the network to be founded on agreements & tenets, a shared set of basic beliefs that keep positivity and focus on the mission.
Trauma & Care: Tenet & Agreement
We all carry trauma and it subconsciously rears its ugly head as violence and overconsumption. No one’s exempt, its been going on for millennia, it’s subtle in our every interaction and systemic in our institutions.
We agree to be patient with ourselves and others and see the big picture: if we don’t heal trauma, we can’t heal systems. Sometimes, we may need to deviate from our agendas to participate in someone’s individual healing, and that’s okay, because it’s the core issue.
Belief & Respect: Tenet & Agreement
Beliefs build systems, and systems shape behaviors. We are more impressionable than we’d like to admit and are full of beliefs that we should be questioning. Media, religion, & schooling have given us skewed pictures of reality and we all perpetuate our broken systems via those beliefs, no one is exempt.
We agree to we agree to be curious & probing about the roots of our own beliefs and respect others’ beliefs. We agree to see where our beliefs are limiting our actions, and attempt to overcome limiting beliefs.
Pleasurable Progress: Tenet & Agreement
The Movement is about meeting needs. And how we meet needs should feel better than the global-industrial-consumer alternative. Every action that we take can be imbued with song, silence, storytelling, etc. to catalyze pleasure, ease, & healing.
We agree to imbue our activities with connective, pleasurable exercises that create personal and collective cohesion. Sometimes, acts like grieving are the best pathway to pleasurable progress and create the same results of collective cohesion.
Shadow, Light: Tenet & Agreement
Our society is founded on a mix of altruistic and selfish intentions. For every good-hearted act, there’s also a greedy one. The shadows need healing, the light needs strengthening.
We agree to see the shadow and light in people, teams, and systems - and not label any as purely good or evil. We’re here to heal the subconscious, shadowy aspects of ourselves & others, even if it’s uncomfortable & time consuming.
Vitality : Tenets & Agreements
Vital people are the bedrock of a sustainable society. And vital ecosystems are essential to feed vital people & their needs. If we’re destroying ecosystems to meet our needs, we’re destroying our vitality.
We agree to use personal & ecosystem vitality as a measure of our progress. If our activities reduce our collective vitality, we ask ourselves, “Can we meet that need in a different way?”, and try alternatives.
Society has reinvented itself many times, and we’re on the precipice of a huge shift in values in our world. As we do, these activity in eco-equitable future-craft are increasing, and have the potential to become the norm. But not without you. Every body needs to awaken their inner activist for the betterment of your vitality and that of humankind.
No one is going to advocate for a more vital life if the people don’t themselves. We know that politics & corporations have an out-weighted impact on our daily lives & energy levels - how much we have to work, the cost of living, the impact on the environment, and the ability to be at ease. It’s not just “the way it is”, society has been heavily influenced by power structures to look the way it is today - are you ready to reclaim the vitality that we deserve?