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Bhakti Yoga Workshop

Find your bliss through Bhakti Yoga! This practice includes chanting, singing, and sacred offerings made easy and accessible to all experience levels. Don't miss this unforgettable, hands-on Yogic experience. 


Join our 2 hour guided workshop to:

  • Deepen your spiritual practice

  • Practice blissful, Yogic singing and chanting

  • Learn the basics of Hindu lore & prayer

  • Conquer stress and sync your brainwaves 


Bask in beauty. Revitalize the soul. Illuminate together in this group experience! Private group bookings available for communities and companies.

Watch the Video!

What's in the Workshop?

The 2-hour workshop includes:

A Talk on the Context of Bhakti

This is a brief, introductory lesson on the basics of Bhakti practices and a discussion of its Hindu origins. Explanation of the theory behind mindfulness, meditation, chanting (mantra), singing (kirtan), and prayer offerings.

Practice Prayer Offering

Students work directly with flowers, incense, and candles to gain first hand experience of prayer and intention setting. This is an inward and personal experience to ground the energy of the session.

Practice Chanting (Mantra)

Students practice the repetition of words of gratitude and affirmation. For the most beginner group, we will use English mantras to dive right into practice. This allows us to maintain focus and experience profound spiritual depths in a short time. 

Practice Singing (Bajan)

Students will practice the singing of words of gratitude and affirmation. For the most beginner group, we will use partial English songs (bajans) from popular Yogic musical artists. This allows the group to enter the joyous, blissful, and healing frequencies of the songs without a language barrier.

Live Music

Students will reach their peak experience when a final set of songs are introduced with live-music played by Travis and hand-instruments made available to the whole class. This high-vibration exercise raises energy levels to new heights! 

What is Bhakti Yoga?

What is commonly known today as "yoga", the postures and exercises, represents a very small piece of the whole system of Yoga. Bhakti yoga, is one of the three classical paths in Hinduism which lead to Moksha, the other paths being Jnana yoga and Karma yoga and is discussed in depth by the Bhagavad Gita.


At its core, Bhakti is the practice of devotion. Traditionally, Bhakti Yoga uses beautiful prayer offerings, chanting (mantra) and singing (bajan) to praise a 'personal deity'. As the curiosity of spiritual seekers grows, more Yogis are eager to learn various prayers, mantras, and engage more authentically with the Hindu traditions. 


Travis offers a very potent and basic version of these practices, that guides students into the frequencies of peace and bliss, without having to learn Sanskrit or other esoteric aspects of Hinduism.  


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Meditation Exploration Series

Do you want to enhance your inner peace? Then explore the many ways to meditate in this 4-week series. Each week will focus on a new meditation form. Join for one or all the sessions! Students will:

  • Learn the fundamentals of meditation

  • Deepen your spiritual practice

  • Conquer stress and enhance your focus

  • All experience levels, perfect for beginners!


Bask in beauty. Revitalize the soul. Illuminate together in this group experience!

A Guide to Meditation Styles

We explore techniques passed down through Millenia that are easy and acceptable to all experience levels.

Week 1: Body Scan

Technique: Quieting down so much you can feel internal sensations of your nervous system.

Effects: relaxation, stress reduction, better body connection

Week 2: The Slow Meal

Technique: Using all 5 senses to ‘eat’ a raisin (or fruit of your choice) over 15 minutes. 

Effects: increased focus, heightened senses, relaxation

Week 3 : Repeating Relaxing

Technique: Using focus phrases or focus objects to address rising thoughts and remind us to relax back. 

Effects: mental clarity, stress reduction, increased focus

Week 4: Affirmation (Mantra)

Technique: Using spoken words, group recitation to energize your body and mind

Effects: energy boost, stress reduction    


My name is Travis Redtail

Travis teaches meditation and Bhakti Yoga to a variety of groups, from corporate clients to festival workshops. He has practiced Bhakti Yoga since 2019 with his master Sri Prem Baba, where he has completed Self-Knowledge Trainings through Djago Academy.  Nested in the rainforests of Sao Paulo, Travis spends part of the year living at the Sachcha Mission Ashram where he studies Bhakti practices specifc to the Sachcha Lineage. His spiritual pilgrimages span five continents and many traditions, including India, Thailand, China, Australia, Europe, South America and North America. Travis's spiritual roots are in the Native American tradition of Pow-wow dancing and drumming, when he began a lifeline journey of connecting movement with spirit at the age of 10. 

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