Travis facilitates big change. After graduating from MIT, he founded Gridling Global to design green projects around the globe. He paired business trips with spiritual pilgrimages to five continents, visiting with sages and teachers from Zen Buddhism, Hinduism (Yoga), Christianity, Cherokee Nation, and more. He has lived in intentional communities across the world, studying new ways of achieving a Net-Zero, harmonious existence among people and the planet.

THE BIRTH OF Revillaging
Boston has always been a place of big ideas.
While living there in 2021, Travis Redtail found himself at a crossroads. Having dedicated his career to sustainable urban planning, Travis realized that the systemic issues plaguing our society couldn't be adequately addressed through policy and technology alone.
He saw the gaps, experienced the inertia firsthand, and it prompted Travis to have a profound realization: faced with a crippling sense of anxiety about the state of the world, people need to embrace a different way of living to secure a sustainable future. He realized that healthy people, healthy cities, healthy relationships and a healthy planet require us to see the world through a different lens.
Leaving Boston behind in 2021, Travis embarked on a transformative journey — to explore alternative systems, approaches and lifestyles that could be seamlessly integrated into addressing some of our biggest challenges. Traveling across the globe, he visited eco-villages and spiritual communities, climbed mountain peaks and hiked through jungles, seeking solutions to the pressing climate and equity crises.
Through his work and research, he came to a clear-eyed realization — the key to sustainability lies in transforming existing neighborhoods into vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable village-like communities. We need to work from the ground up, building from a universal sense of place. Our path forward isn't just about environmental sustainability; it is about reclaiming human vitality and reconnecting with nature and each other.
Travis also recognized what he saw as a flaw in the conventional approach to problem-solving. Rather than relying on singular solutions, he believed that addressing the root of the challenges we face requires an understanding of emotional and psychological patterns inherent in human behavior. His vision encompasses not only practical actions for sustainability but also an essential upgrade of the human heart and mindset.
Inspired by visionaries such as Tony Robbins, Prem Baba, Charles Eisenstein, Joanna Macy, and the builders of transformative communities like Earthaven Ecovillage and Auroville, Travis embarked on a mission to bring about change. Drawing on the influence of mentors he encountered across the world, he aimed to create a repeatable process to "revillage" lives.
The leap from idea to reality came in 2021 when Travis initiated a podcast and began writing articles to share his vision. It wasn't long before he hosted his first course, training leaders to build a more sustainable lifestyle and kickstart the process of “revillaging” neighborhoods. The response was overwhelming, with participants from 11 different time zones joining forces to create a virtual community dedicated to building a better world.
Today, Travis Redtail and his team guide individuals, communities, and companies towards regenerative systems that revitalize relationships, cities and social norms. Using videos, podcasts, group facilitations and consulting services, the team offers practical solutions to create sustainable systems and foster a shift in how we live on this planet and with each other.