Are you ready to start making systemic change and rise above overwhelm?
Join us for a transformative experience with a supportive hybrid-online community.
This is more than a workshop; it's a soulful adventure designed to refill your cup, meet allies, make impact together, and begin catalyzing the change you want to see with pleasure, confidence, and clarity .

“Shake off the chaos, start making impact every day.”
Here’s what awaits you...

Discover Your Inner Revolutionary
Dive into community and emerge empowered. Click here to claim your spot in our cohort
What people are saying...

“I walked away from the course with a new community and a sense of empowerment about the future. Travis is an expert facilitator and storyteller and took our group on a collaborative journey. I loved the assignment to take sustainable action near home, it was profound. I had fun and proved to myself that my actions can make a difference.” – Nour Salmen Guzman, Energy Transition Executive

“I feel motivated and empowered. The community that we cultivated during the workshop is priceless. I started organizing in my community after this experience, and have brought over 100 people together for permaculture workshops since then!” – David Warfel, Permaculture Expert and Water Resources Engineer

“I felt so inspired after taking the 1-day workshop, I brought Travis to teach our high school students the 'Story of Humankind' module and they loved it!” This is the medicine we need right now. "– Dana Kristal, Educator and Activist
What to expect...
Module 1: The Framework for Better Behavior
Learn the Vision for Global Transformation in One Generation. Examine psychological patterns through history that lock-in our destructive behavior.
Module 2: Dis-intermediate Your Life
Examine your basic needs and how they depend on global supply chains. Brainstorm ways to meet your needs locally and discover the tools needed to make massive shifts in consumer behavior patterns.
Meeting 3: Enabling True Collaboration
· Reexamine the English language of emotions, needs, and conflict - and become a better collaborator to unlock a new paradigm of climate action. Practice Non-Violent Communication in the group.
Meeting 4: Rewriting the Story of Humankind
· Take a mythological look at the world to examine your relationship to yourself, your neighbors, and the Earth Community. Envision a new Story of Humankind in harmony that can help guide your actions.
Meeting 5: Actions you can take today
· Learn best practices from ecovillages and circular economy programs around the world. Design a system-shifting program in your neighborhood today, while making it a party! Take home actions that can begin to shift systems in your life
Meeting 6: Growing the Revolution
· Expand your thinking with reflections from the course, deepening cohort relationships, and forming accountability partnerships for your journey

The retreat is for you if you desire…

Skills to Take Action
This is a skill-sharing space to prepare you to take action effectively, pleasurably, and non-violently.

A Renewed Sense of Vitality
Recharge your energy and awaken a deep aliveness that will carry you forward for this season of your life.

Support on your Journey
We need each other to stay strong. Find the community and network to support you as we shift cultural norms.

Formats and Schedules
6-Week Community Discussion Group - Online Thursdays 6-8 PM and Sunday 3-5 PM
This is a collaborative discussion space where participants will practice techniques with each other in breakout groups. Each session includes:
Informative & entertaining seminars
Facilitated discussion groups
Read-out and feedback for group synthesis
1 Day Retreat - Hybrid Online/In Person
This is a highly interactive, energizing workshop divided into three sections of the day, packed with community activities like singing, silence, skillshare, and storytelling:
Morning: Group cohesion exercises, Modules 1 & 2
Lunch: Break & Ecovillage Tour
Afternoon: Modules 3 - 5

Meet Your Host

Travis Redtail
·Travis Redtail (Sheehan) is a global expert in Sustainable Cities, a community innovator, songleader, and facilitator of big change. He uses his skills in facilitation, urban strategies, and green community design to develop big shifts in clean energy, eco cities, and sustainable communities. He has lived in sustainable eco-villages across the globe and gathered best practices for both the systemic and the social technologies that can turn the tide on climate change.
Reserve your spot now! We have 3 registration options.
How it feels to be Revolutionary
Travis creates space for joy, grief, and everything in between
Productive ideas meet pleasurable ways of connecting
Verbal and non-verbal ways of communicating, emoting, and skill sharing
Song, silence, and storytelling carry us through the journey

Need assistance or have questions?
We’re eager to help! Use the form below to reach out and our support team will respond swiftly to ensure your retreat experience is seamless.